USPTO Implementing the Trademark Center for Initial Applications and New Fees on January 18, 2025
On January 18, 2025, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will shift from the current Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) initial application forms to the new Trademark Center. The Trademark Center will be the only place to file a trademark application after that date. Right now, Applicants can review and use a beta version of […]
New Patent Continuation Fees Take Effect January 19, 2025
Beginning January 19, 2025, there will be a new government fee assessed against continuation applications with priority dates more than 6 years prior to filing of the continuation and a greater fee when the priority date is more than 9 years before the filing of a continuation. The new fees are reflected in the table […]
Beware of New Trademark Scams:
For years our clients have gotten e-messages, usually from other countries, alleging (presumably untruthfully) that someone else was planning to register companywebsite.cn or companywebsite.hk or something similar. The goal of the e-message senders was to get our clients to pay for domain names that they did not need. There is a new twist on this […]
Seth Nehrbass, Patent Attorney, appears on television again
Seth Nehrbass, Patent Attorney, appeared on television again, this time discussing the NFL fleur-de-lis kerfuffle involving Defend New Orleans. https://www.fox8live.com/2023/07/22/one-company-fights-another-adjusts-after-nfl-cease-desist-letters/ Seth M. Nehrbass, Patent Attorney, New Orleans, SNehrbass@patents.gs, (504) 835-2000, ext. 105.
Vanessa M. D’Souza and Julia M. FitzPatrick have become equity partners
GARVEY, SMITH & NEHRBASS, PATENT ATTORNEYS, L.L.C. is pleased to announce that Vanessa M. D’Souza and Julia M. FitzPatrick have become equity partners in the firm. Our firm is the largest boutique patent law firm in Louisiana with our practice areas focusing solely on intellectual property matters, including patents, trademarks and copyrights, with all seven […]
A Change in Office Action Response Deadlines at the US Trademark Office
+ Regulations implementing the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA) went into effect on December 18, 2021. One change under the Trademark Modernization Act provides a new deadline period for responding to Office Actions in trademark applications. The prior deadline requirement of six months is now shortened to three (3) months with an option to […]
Failure to properly mark patent numbers can limit recovery in litigation
+Any products marketed under a US patent should be marked with “U.S. Patent” followed by the patent number, and (preferably) /or with the following: “Patented and/or Patent Pending. website name/patents.” The phrase “website name/patents” can be replaced with a page on the patent owner’s website which contains a listing of the published patent applications and/or […]
ChatGPT – just because you create something doesn’t mean it’s legal to use it
Everyone is talking about AI (artificial intelligence). Programs such as ChatGPT (to create text), https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt, and Artiphoria AI (to create images), https://www.artiphoria.ai/, are readily available. There are many others available. See, for example, https://www.pcguide.com/apps/chat-gpt-alternative/, for both free programs and paid versions. However, there are things to keep in mind when using these programs. First, just […]