GARVEY, SMITH, NEHRBASS & NORTH, L.L.C. No. 1 in the United States in 2015 in allowance percentage in one of the nine patent technology centers in the United States Patent Office

Juristat has reported that GARVEY, SMITH, NEHRBASS & NORTH, L.L.C., PATENT ATTORNEYS, is No. 1 in the United States in 2015 in allowance percentage of patent applications in Technology Center 3600 ( ). TC3600 is one of the nine patent technology centers in the United States Patent Office and includes among other technologies oilfield related inventions.
GARVEY, SMITH, NEHRBASS & NORTH, L.L.C., PATENT ATTORNEYS, has since its formation in 1998 obtained over 1100 patents for its clients.
The practice of GARVEY, SMITH, NEHRBASS & NORTH, L.L.C., PATENT ATTORNEYS, is limited to intellectual property law, and all 9 of its attorneys are patent attorneys.
GARVEY, SMITH, NEHRBASS & NORTH, L.L.C., PATENT ATTORNEYS, has offices in Metairie and Covington.
According to Juristat, the average allowance rate in TC 3600 in 2015 is 61.2%, which is below the USPTO average of 72%. Juristat reports that in 2015 the allowance rate of GARVEY, SMITH, NEHRBASS & NORTH, L.L.C., PATENT ATTORNEYS, in TC3600 is 92.5%. For more information, click here: Recognition .
In 2015 our firm obtained its 1000 th US patent for its clients. To see the more than 1100 patents we have gotten for clients since our firm began in July 1998, click here: GSNN patents since 1998